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In partnership with Mojave Water Agency the District is dedicated to water conservation within the Mojave Desert RCD’s large area. The District and MWA have implemented a program of water conservation alternatives through evaluation and field assistance for irrigation efficiency improvement, including enhancement irrigation water management automation, soil moisture and soil quality testing. With Covid-19 still very much present assessment visits were again mostly conducted through cell phone operations and coordinated site and cell phone program applications. As the Victorville Field Office was held to minimum public interactions the district team was still able to assist communities and educate customers on water conservation and irrigation. In Fall and Winter of 2021, the focus was on winterizing irrigation systems and scheduling less irrigation days and times. The IWM visits consist of a comprehensive evaluation that quantifies current outdoor water use. Clients are then given options to help conserve and reduce their water use. Conservation options include System evaluation, soil health in relation to water savings, installation options of current irrigation technologies, irrigation scheduling and mulching options for our area.

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