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The NRCS Victorville Service Center boundaries comprise most of San Bernardino County including the mountains in the Mojave River watershed and the High Desert extending east to the Arizona/Nevada borders. (The southwest corner of the County lies in the Redlands Service Center area.)

The final report on NRCS agreement C020 has been filed as of June 30, 2022. Another agreement is in place with funds added to continue with district assistance to NRCS for another two years. In summary, throughout the ending grant period RCD staff have provided assistance with the following practices: 560) Access Road; (372) Combustion System Improvement; (340) Cover Crop; (300) Existing Activity Payments (CSP); (666) Forest Stand Improvement; (106) Forest Management Plan; (422) Hedgerow; (325) High Tunnel; (449) Irrigation Water Management – Including Fundamentals, Advanced, Soil Sensors, Evaluation, Moisture Monitoring, Pump Evaluations; (441) Irrigation System; (516) Livestock Pipeline; (484) Mulching; (590) Nutrient Management; (533) Pumping Plant; (345) Reduced Tillage; (442) Sprinkler System; (578) Stream Crossing; (587) Structure for Water Control – flow meter; (612) Tree/Shrub Plantings - Cultural Plantings and Wildlife Planting; (660) Tree/Shrub Pruning; (645) Upland Wildlife Habitat Management; (614) Watering Facility; (420) Wildlife Planting; (380) Windbreak; and (384) Woody Residue Treatment. The district continues to provide assistance NRCS in various capacities and program practices.

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